Wednesday, April 9, 2008

FW: FYI: GUHSD Board minutes...

------ Forwarded Message
From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 21:44:38 +0000
To: Charlene Ayers <>, Debbie Peterson <>
Cc: Ayers  Charlene <>
Subject: FYI: GUHSD Board minutes...

I remember reading "older" minutes in the Superintendent Ryan days...some back to 2003.
When did the practice of posting minutes online back to and including 2003 change?   What would be the reason for that action?
There's huge amounts of data and information about Prop H online.  Surely the Board Minutes back to 2001 or so would not be more information than what Prop H is displaying.
I thought the District was stressing "transparency" in Prop H and in all things dealing with the public.
Please let me know why the Board has chosen to be less transparent in their offerings than for Prop H.
-------------- Original message from "Debbie Peterson" <>: --------------

> Charlene,
> The minutes are only archived on the website back to 2005. If you need minutes
> back as far as 2001 you will need to put in a public records request and a cost
> will be assessed for per page copies. This request would take quite a bit of
> time to process. Please let me know what you would like to do.
> Thanks,
> Debbie Peterson
> >>> 04/09/08 11:38 AM >>>
> Debbie...
> I would like to read the GUHSD Board minutes from 2001 to the present.
> I cannot find them online.
> The online minutes only go back to mid-2005...not far enough.
> Please direct me to where they are located online.
> Cha rlene

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