Tuesday, April 8, 2008

FW: SDDT-Behuria: Four new county code enforcement storefront offices opened

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From: <char.ayers@att.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 00:10:04 +0000
To: Charlene Ayers <char.ayers@att.net>
Subject: SDDT-Behuria: Four new county code enforcement storefront offices opened

Four new county code enforcement storefront offices opened
By PRITISH BEHURIA, The Daily Transcript
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Four new county code enforcement storefront offices were opened in unincorporated communities of San Diego County Tuesday. The new offices will be open on Mondays and are located in Spring Valley, Bonita, Ramona and Fallbrook.
The pilot program is the first of its kind in San Diego County and more storefronts may be added in the future.
„The idea was to have a face in the community,‰ said Pam Elias, code enforcement chief. „We want to provide residents with a convenient location within their community where they can stop in and meet with their assigned code enforcement officer.‰
Code enforcement is part of the county Department of Planning and Land Use. It takes complaints about abandoned vehicles, grading and storm water, brushing and clearing, water and zoning, building, graffiti, noise, trailer coaches and fire hazards.

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